UB Lecturers Write To Parents and Students: Resist Government Bloody Ploy
Dear Parents, Teachers, and Students,
When teachers declared a peaceful strike so that Government will address the decay and rot it had
caused in the Anglophone sub-system of
education, we little expected things to take the turn they did.
Government ministers rented the airwaves and copiously insulted us
without regard for the role they themselves had played in spoiling our
school system.When teachers declared a peaceful strike so that Government will address the decay and rot it had
Even as the Prime Minister, and Head of Government tried to find a
negotiated settlement, these ministers undermined his effort, making him
look powerless or even helpless simply because he is Anglophone. After
taking part in two days of negotiations in Bamenda, I must say that I
saw a lot of sincerity in the PM. But if after four days he still hasn’t
been able to do one thing as agreed upon in Bamenda, then it means
that, decidedly, he is not the person to solve the Anglophone problem in
Cameroon. The way he was even ridiculed by his own ministers speaks
volumes. Government is determined to absorb or wipe us out.
When our parents brought Southern Cameroons into a union with La
Republique du Cameroon, they did not expect the raw deal we have been
served in the last 55 years. As a people, we have suffered deprivation,
exclusion, marginalization and exploitation, betrayed by some of our own
brothers and today, compared to other parts of former Southern
Cameroons which voted to join Nigeria, we are worse off, as Sir Abubakar
Tafawa Balewa (Nigeria’ first PM) had rightly predicted. Our people are
poor, live marginal lives, have no roads, even though our part of the
country has provided all the wealth that has developed Yaounde and
Douala and made our ministers arrogant. In fact, the Government of this
country has no regard for our existence!!
For years, our oppressor has used “divide and rule”, aided by some of our brothers and sisters who are ready to betray us for crumbs at their master’s table. It is therefore not surprising, therefore, to hear the shameful statements some so-called anglophone ministers made last week.
For years, our oppressor has used “divide and rule”, aided by some of our brothers and sisters who are ready to betray us for crumbs at their master’s table. It is therefore not surprising, therefore, to hear the shameful statements some so-called anglophone ministers made last week.
I call for unity among ALL Anglophones of Southern Cameroons
extraction and urge YOU to shun the parochial definitions of
“Anglophone” which are only meant to water down our problem. Resist
every ploy by the Government to make our quest for a better life for our
children bloody. Do not yield to police provocation; make sure that our
resistance is as peaceful as possible so that those thirsty for blood
will not have any cause to drink of it. Also desist from posting false
information and demands like regime change on the internet and social
media. These only distract us from our focus and could seriously injure
our cause. Our demands are meant to give reparation to all the plunder
we have suffered.Anglophone chiefs, ministers, politicians and those who
wield any form of influence but have never done so in the interest of
their people have their last chance now. STAND UP FOR THE TRUTH AND BE
REMEMBERED or forever be shamed.
We have information that the Government is planning mass kidnappings,
eliminations and the physical torture of teachers, lawyers and leaders
of the unions so as to stifle the Anglophone movement. Already, gun men
have been sent to eliminate some of us. We no longer fear what this
government can do, but as stakeholders in this union, if they do not
think that we have a right to cry out against such chronic
marginalization, then we are certainly in the wrong place. Battalions of
troops are being mobilized as they did in Buea against a peaceful
students’ demonstration. But this time, more than before, the truth
shall prevail and the glory of the Lord will shine among us. EVERY
ANGLOPHONE has a moral duty to contribute to 5his struggle and we shall
We have asked the Cameroon Anglophone Civil Society Consortium
[CACSC], the umbrella organisation of our unions to consider the current
stalemate and chart the way forward in our common interest.
Professor James Arrey Abangma