
Affichage des articles du juin, 2016

UN climate chief urges Britain to remain a global warming leader

Britain must continue to be a world leader when it comes to acting on global warming despite the  EU referendum  result last week, the UN’s climate chief has urged. Christiana Figueres  warned that should article 50 be triggered it would bring uncertainty for two years but cooperation on climate change could be one area of continuity between the UK and EU. “Should that be the case [article 50 being triggered], there is going be quite a lot of uncertainty, transition, volatility for at least two years,”  she told an audience of business leaders  in London on Tuesday.

UK : tech firms unite to push against 'Texit'

Leading lights of the UK’s technology sector are trying to calm fears of a “Texit” following the result of last week’s  EU referendum . After some of Britain’s biggest tech start-ups, including business data company DueDil and foreign exchange service TransferWise, revealed they are  openly mulling an overseas relocation  after the historic leave vote, other investors and entrepreneurs have intervened to try to inject some confidence into the shaky industry.

England humiliated as Iceland knock them out of Euro 2016

For Roy Hodgson it was a desperate and ignominious way to end his four years as England  manager. Whatever else happened in that time, his period in office will probably always be remembered for the full-on humiliation that accompanied this defeat and the knowledge it will rank among the more infamous results in the history of the national team.

Ivory Coast: Professor helps carry a students baby for her to concentrate!

An unprecedented act was done in Ivory Coast. While students were writing their exams of the second half of this academic year, a major event occured at the University of Bouaké. Read more:

Cameroon – Douala: 13 military men in trouble after robbing a former factory!

Thirteen military men have just been remanded in custody at the New Bell central prison in Douala, the economic capital. The government commissioner of the city of Douala in the Littoral region, has placed 13 military personnel in custody at the New Bell Central Prison.

4 Unusual Ways to Boost Oral Health

I’m always been somewhat fascinated by  oral health  and even remember asking my orthodontist why my teeth were crooked to begin with when getting braces. Of course, his answer: simply genetic. Just like my dentist told me that teeth couldn’t heal and that sugar was causing cavities.

Cameroon – Hassan N. N.: Boxer to come back to Cameroon after being abandoned by France

The former WBA and WBO world champion has recently announced his intention to box for his country. Hassan Ndam Njikam  in Rio de Janeiro under the colors of Cameroon. Unthinkable even a few weeks ago, this possibility is increasingly plausible. The Franco-Cameroonian expressed of his desire to box for his country at the upcoming Olympic Games (5-21 August 2016). Read more:

Cameroon – Douala: The Convoy of some government officials killed a child on their way back from Douala

Seraphin Magloire Fouda ,  Pierre Ishmael Bidoung Mkpatt  and five other members of the Government are in Douala. In the morning of Friday, June 24, 2016, they held a meeting in the Office of Governor of the Littoral Region in the  Bonanjo  neighborhood for “ signing the AFCON Conventions ” says  Mireille Bisseck , Regional Delegate of Communication for Littoral. After that indoor work session, members of government, traditional, administrative, sports authorities visited  Japoma , a town east of the economic capital. Read more:

Cameroon boss Broos worried of ‘difficult’ World Cup draw

HUGO  Broos reflected on the World Cup 2018 qualifying draw with a mixture of agony and optimism as Cameroon were zoned with Nigeria, Algeria and Zambia.

EURO-2016 : La France sauve sa tête!

L’essentiel est assuré: bien que tenue en échec par la Suisse (0-0), l’équipe de France, déjà qualifiée pour les 8e de finale, a bouclé dimanche le premier tour de l’Euro-2016 à la première place du groupe A, s’offrant un boulevard jusqu’aux demi-finales, son objectif minimum.

Cameroon /Yaounde: A suspected thief beaten to death after stealing a drum!

A man, whose identity is unknown, was beaten to death during the night of June 18, 2016 for stealing a drum meant to store water in a residence at the  Ekounou  neighbourhood in Yaounde. The man, whom eyewitnesses say is a taxi driver, was caught directly by the owner of the drum,  Stephan Lenga , who was returning home after an outing during the early hours of that fateful day. The owner said on his way from a meeting at about 3:15 a.m, he saw a thief in front of his gate carrying away a drum and when he tried to ask him where the drum was from the thief started a fight. He immediately raised an alarm and his neighbours came to his rescue and beat the man to death.

Ce qui arrive à votre corps lorsque vous vous retenez d’uriner

Vous devez aller immédiatement aux toilettes, mais parfois, vous vous retenez d’uriner pour répondre à votre dernier mail ou pour finir rapidement une de vos tâches. Il faut savoir que cette mauvaise habitude pourrait vous causer de graves problèmes de santé… Explications. La vessie est un organe musculaire de l’appareil urinaire, elle reçoit l’urine sécrétée par les reins, pour ensuite l’évacuer lors de la miction. La vessie a une capacité de remplissage de 300 à 600 ml et une contenance plus importante chez les femmes que chez les  hommes .

Vladimir Putin MOCKS England fans attacked by mob of Russian ultras at Euro 2016

The streets of Marseille were engulfed in disorder before last Saturday’s 1-1 draw and it continued inside the stadium – but Putin appears to have made light of the violence Vladimir Putin  has mocked England fans who were attacked by a mob of hundreds of Russian thugs at  Euro 2016  . The president’s remarks came after England’s draw with Russia which was marred by violence between the opposing sides.

Cameroon/Bangolan : A deadly Kingdom? An Ex-Fon bent on killing all the villagers to Rule!

Terranews+-Bamenda: The Bangolan Kingdom, of the Babessi Sub-division, Ngoketunjia Division of the North West Region of Cameroon is considered by some news papers columnists as a deadly kingdom after the death of their new Fon, HRH Tsiemetong Salim James last Tuesday. 

Ceci est caché au public : les 10 plus grandes causes du cancer, des choses que vous utilisez quotidiennement

Considéré comme la maladie du siècle, le cancer est responsable du décès d’un grand nombre de personnes à travers le monde. Ses causes sont diverses : une alimentation riche en aliments transformés, un mode de vie malsain, le tabagisme, une exposition prolongée aux substances chimiques, etc. Mais il existe des éléments qui augmentent considérablement le risque de développer un cancer et dont on ne parle pas… Explications. Dans notre vie de tous les jours, nous avons l’habitude de consommer ou d’utiliser certains produits sans prendre le temps de se demander s’ils ont des effets néfastes sur notre santé. Pour mieux comprendre le danger auquel nous nous exposons, voici 10 grandes causes du   cancer   qu’on nous cache. Les 10 plus grandes causes du cancer, que nous utilisons quotidiennement :

Cameroun: Paul Biya adresse ses vœux au couple Eto’o

amuel Eto’o et Georgette Tra Lou unis devant Dieu et les hommes. Le pli fermé du chef de l’Etat camerounais leur a été remis mardi par le directeur-adjoint du Cabinet civil de la présidence de la République, Joseph Lé Mardi, 14 juin 2016, à Stezzano en Italie, l’international camerounais Samuel Eto’o Fils est entré officiellement dans les liens sacrés du  mariage religieux avec son épouse , l’ivoirienne Georgette Tra Lou. Plusieurs personnalités camerounaises ont pris part à cette célébration. Le chef de l’Etat, Paul Biya, y était personnellement représenté par Joseph Lé, ministre, directeur-adjoint du Cabinet civil de la présidence de la République, à la tête d’une délégation de quatre personnes.

Cameroon – Mathias E.: The son of Joseph Owona says Its too late to prevent a civil war in Cameroon

According to Mathias Eric Owona Nguini, Cameroonian political scientist, all the ingredients for a crisis in Cameroon have been gathered.

Cameroon to deactivate unregistered SIMs from 30th June

Cameroon’s Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications has announced it will deactivate all unregistered SIMs from 30 June 2016, in accordance with Law No. 2010/13 of 21 December 2010 and amendments made via Decree No. 2015/3759 of 03 September 2015. In a press release, the ministry noted that: all operators had been ordered to commence suspension of unidentified SIMs as of 10 June; all operators will have to use a system to detect the  MRZ  code on identity cards produced by their subscribers; and operators must deploy teams nationally to ensure the registration is implemented.


Le premier parc Disney en Chine s’est ouvert officiellement au public jeudi à Shanghai, dernier symbole de la culture américaine à faire son entrée chez le géant communiste, où l’attend une nouvelle classe moyenne impatiente de loisirs. Sous une pluie battante, des milliers de Chinois se sont engouffrés dès l’ouverture des portes à 11H30 locales (03H30 GMT), certains sprintant pour être les premiers à goûter cette première « expérience Disney » sur le sol chinois et monter à bord des montagnes russes futuristes, inspirées de « Tron », la série de science-fiction des studios Disney.


Trente-quatre migrants, dont 20 enfants, sont morts la semaine dernière dans le désert nigérien, en tentant de se rendre en Algérie voisine, devenue une destination privilégiée des migrants subsahariens. « Trente-quatre personnes dont cinq hommes, neuf femmes et vingt enfants ont trouvé la mort dans leur tentative de traverser le désert », a indiqué le ministère nigérien de l’Intérieur dans un communiqué transmis à l’AFP.

Une crème maison pour faire disparaître vos cicatrices

Les boutons d’acné, les points noirs et autres imperfections peuvent laisser des cicatrices sur votre visage, surtout si vous avez la fâcheuse manie de les tripoter. Les remèdes proposés sur le marché peuvent être efficaces, mais leurs formules sont pleines de substances chimiques qui peuvent agresser votre peau et l’irriter. Pour vous débarrasser des cicatrices de manière naturelle et sans vous ruiner, découvrez notre crème maison !

Koeman targets Cameroonian Eyong Enoh

Everton manager Ronald Koeman has set his sights on Cameroon defensive midfielder Eyong Enoch according to the  Mirror. The 30 year old currently only has one year left on his Standard Liege contract and is keeping Alex Song out of the Cameroon national side currently. Enoch has previously been on-loan at Fulham making 9 appearances in 2013. He played 30 times for Liege last season scoring once and providing an assist, he has made 55 appearances for his national team. Would Enoh be a good signing for Everton?

Cameroon – National Youth Council: National president accused of embezzling 80 million CFA F

To believe the staff of  Jean-Marc Afessi Mbafor , he would have misappropriated funds related to the state grant and those granted by the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Regional Development.

Cameroon – Douala: A female Journalist stripped naked by security guards of a hospital! -

On Saturday, June 11th 2016 in the economic capital, a trainee journalist of  Sweet FM , a private radio station based in Douala, was forced to undress, by the security guards of the Gyneco-Obstetric hospital of Douala (HGOD). The case is revealed by journalists based in Douala, the country’s economic capital. Specifically, by the MD of Chief Sweet FM,  Clarence Yongo . Read more:

Colombie:Plus de 6000 Colombiens nus pour la paix

Le photographe américain Spencer Tunick, célèbre pour ses clichés de foules dénudées, a fait poser dimanche plus de 6.000 personnes face au Parlement de Colombie, à Bogota, pour transmettre un message de paix dans ce pays déchiré par plus d’un demi-siècle de conflit armé. Vers 03H00 du matin, les premiers participants ont commencé à se réunir sur la place Bolivar, dans le centre de la capitale colombienne, avant de poser nus face au photographe malgré le froid. “Nous étions là avec notre nudité, tranquilles, calmes, c’était un moment de paix et de tranquillité entre nous”, a raconté Claudia Barrentos, une quadragénaire qui a participé à l’opération.

Coup d’État manqué : le Burkina Faso demande à la Côte d’Ivoire de poursuivre Guillaume Soro

Le commissaire du gouvernement auprès le tribunal militaire de Ouagadougou a annoncé lundi qu’il renonçait à son mandat d’arrêt contre le président de l’Assemblée nationale ivoirienne Guillaume Soro pour son implication présumée dans le coup d’État manqué de septembre 2015 mais a demandé à la Côte d’Ivoire de le poursuivre dans le cadre d’une autre procédure dite de “dénonciation”.

Cameroon:Boy Slaughters Brother Over Cocoa Farm Dispute

Eugene Kezoh, 25, of Mondoni in Tiko Sub-division, sliced off his elder brother, Ernest Kezoh, 34, to death after the two engaged in a heated argument that led to a machete fight. The chilling incident occurred in the Palm Oil rich village of Mondoni, on Saturday June 4 th . According to Cyprian  Kezoh, eldest son of the Kezoh family and eyewitness to the incident, Eugene and Ernest got involved in a bitter argument over who will be in control of their family Cocoa farm. After Ernest argued that Eugene has over exploited the farm in the past, he claimed it was his turn.

Africa: Is the “new” Boko Haram leader a Cameroonian?

In a recent article,  Le Monde  says,  Bana Blaachera , the new head of  Boko Haram  was a Cameroonian. A fake information, since he is Nigerian. In an article published on June 9, 2016 on the website of  Le Monde Afrique , the reporter  Seidik Abba  says Bana Blaachera presented as the new leader of the terrorist group Boko Haram, is from Cameroon.  L’Oeil du Sahel  rejects this in its issue of June 13 that  he is not Cameroonian, but a Nigerian.