Cameroon -2018 presidential elections: Will Biya have another chance?
Most African political scientists seem to agree that there is a wind of change blowing accross the continent as most of the deep seated dictatorships are being eroded or pushed to the wall. From Yahya
Jammeh's defeat to John Mahama's via Angola 's Dos Santos' décision not to stand as presidential candidate during the next presidentials in his country, one can be quick to say that most of Africa's big heads are still to fall.
Recent happenings in Bamenda and Buea the Anglophone regions in Cameroon are not fixing things for Paul Biya of Cameroon. At the time where the Country is in deep shit in these Regions, the "Lion Man" is silent and cares less of what people say is the Anglophone problem. Will he survive the 2018 presidentials he is hoping to stand again for his succession?
Jammeh's defeat to John Mahama's via Angola 's Dos Santos' décision not to stand as presidential candidate during the next presidentials in his country, one can be quick to say that most of Africa's big heads are still to fall.
Recent happenings in Bamenda and Buea the Anglophone regions in Cameroon are not fixing things for Paul Biya of Cameroon. At the time where the Country is in deep shit in these Regions, the "Lion Man" is silent and cares less of what people say is the Anglophone problem. Will he survive the 2018 presidentials he is hoping to stand again for his succession?