Scientists created a cyborg stingray powered by the heart of a rat
Researchers have developed a new kind of synthetic creature, using
the heart cells of a rat to make a robotic stingray that follows light.
While the rat-ray hybrid certainly sounds like a bit of a
Frankenstein mish-mash, it's serious research that could help pave the
way for a greater understanding of how hearts pump blood around the body
– in addition to leading to new kinds of more sophisticated synthetic
"She was trying to pet a stingray and she put her hand in the water
and the stingray quickly moved away from her hand in a very elegant
way," Parker told George Dvorsky at Gizmodo.
"It struck me like a thunderbolt that I could build that system in the
musculature, and that it would look very much like the [muscular] layer
of the heart."
Taking his idea to fellow Wyss researcher Sung-Jin Park, the
ambitious project was met with more than a little trepidation at first.
"I sat down with him," Parker told Jon Hamilton at NPR,
"and I said, 'Sung-Jin, we're going to take a rat apart; we're going to
rebuild it as a stingray; and then we're going to use a light to guide
it.' And the look on his face was both sorrow and horror."
But with perseverance, the team succeeded in realising Parker's
vision. The cyborg stingray, which weighs just 10 grams and is only
about the size of a small coin, is made from a gold skeleton overlaid
with a thin layer of stretchy polymer. This body, designed to emulate
the shape and fins of a real ray, is coated in approximately 200,000
living rat heart cells, called cardiomyocytes.
These muscle cells were genetically engineered to respond to light
cues, to prompt the fin movements that help propel the robot through
water. When stimulated by light, the cardiomyocytes contract and push
the fins downwards.
The design of the gold skeleton allows it to store some of this
energy, releasing the fins in an upward motion before the cells contract
Even more impressive is the fact that, depending on the pulse and
frequency of light shone at the synthetic creature, its direction and
speed can be controlled, allowing it to navigate through the water and
around obstacles.
The project, reported in Science,
could offer some new leads for roboticists working with soft tissue
structures, and also help marine biologists better understand how rays
use their fins to swim.
But Parker's focus is on the cardiomyocytes – and how a better
knowledge of the way heart muscles move might point to better synthetic
pumps for use in humans, using a hybrid of organic tissue and mechanical
"I want to build an artificial heart, but you're not going to go from
zero to a whole heart overnight. This is a training exercise," Parker
told NPR. "The heart's built the way it is for a reason. And we're trying to replicate as much of that function as we possibly can."
In the meantime, the researchers say they're done with their creation
for now, and having learned what they have, won't be making any more.
But given its unique combination of living and robotic parts, just how
does the team itself classify their cyborg? As William Herkewitz at Popular Mechanics puts it to Parker, is this thing alive?
"I think we've got a biological life form here," Parker replied.
"A machine, but a biological life form. I wouldn't call it an organism,
because it can't reproduce, but it certainly is alive."
"We turned a rat into a light guided stingray," he added. "Hell, all [people] need to know is that this is the coolest thing they're going to see all year."